Dr. Fina Lopez

Pediatric Dentistry
Dr. Fina Lopez | DentPhix Clinics

Dr. Fina Lopez has been a practicing dentist for over 15 years, with her practice limited to pediatric dentistry for 13 years. She graduated from the University of the Philippines with a degree in Dental Medicine in 1997, and has undergone postgraduate training at the Pediatric Dentistry Center in the Philippines, where today she also serves as a consultant to private patients, a lecturer and supervising staff to the pediatric dentistry residents and as an infocom head. She also runs her own private practice in Greenhills, San Juan.

Nine out of ten children in the Philippines suffer from tooth decay, and Dr. Fina has always been inspired by the challenge to bring down this number. "Tooth decay in children can have detrimental effects in their lives. Pain from teeth can cause picky eaters which result in malnutrition. Also, tooth infection causes diseases that can be fatal. It can also cause high irritability in children and indirectly result to low grades in school. "My practice is purely pediatric, and I am fulfilled knowing I am able to help these children." Dr. Fina is also part of a group who trains dentists to specialize in pediatric dentistry. She is hoping to increase awareness of this specialty in both general dentists and new parents. She lectures to different dental groups around the country to help the general dentists handle their child patients better. Dr. Fina also has a monthly column with Baby Magazine, a parenting magazine to help educate mothers in taking care of their children's oral health.


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